Add Your Event Pages to YOUR Website
There are three different methods you can choose between to add your Lives2Leads event pages to your website.
Method 1: Add A Simple Hyperlink
In this method you can add a link to your Public Event Page with a hyperlink or button on your website.
Step 1: Locate your Public Event Page URL
- Find the Live event you want to add to your website and click the edit icon to open the Live Editor
- At the top of the Details section, locate the Public Event Page URL and click the “Copy” button
Step 2: Add a hyperlink on your website
- Log into your website editor of choice and add a hyperlink to any text, image, button, using the link you copied from “Step 1” above.
- Done! You’ve now added a link to your event page on your website 🙂
Method 2: Add A Lives2Leads Popup Right On Your Site (Advanced)
Add a hyperlink or button that opens a pop-up window right on YOUR website with your Public Event Pages. Click here to see a sample pop-up!
Your Lives2Leads event pages already have your logo, your brand colours, and your event details.
But, you also want to have it display right there within your own website? No problem! 😊
⚠ This method does, however, require a teeny tiny bit of custom coding, so be sure you are comfortable with pasting custom HTML code into your website before attempting this.
Step 1: Locate your Public Event Page URL
- Find the Live event you want to add to your website and click the edit icon to open the Live Editor
- At the top of the Details section, locate the Public Event Page URL and click the “Copy” button
Step 2: Add the Lives2Leads Code Snippet to your website
- You must add this script to any/every page you want the popup to work on (ideally at the bottom of the page just before the tag):
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Step 3: Add a hyperlink on any page of your site
- You can now add a Lives2Leads popup link to any page of your website that has the code snippet above included somewhere on it’s page.
- Just add #popup-jme to the end of your Public Event Page URL that you located in “Step 1” above. Here’s an example of how your link may look
NOTE: replace your-lives2leads-event-page-url-here with the Public Event Page URL provided in your admin, which you located in Step 1. It will start with “”
- Now you can add this revised link as a hyperlink to any text, image or button on your page!
- Once this step is complete, your Lives2Leads event page should pop up right within the same page on your website. If you find the link is still opening up a fresh page in your browser instead, double check steps #2 and #3, and of course, reach out to us if you’re stuck.
Method 3: Shareable Links That Automatically Pop-up Your Public Event Pages On Your Site (Advanced)
When you use this method, you can share a link based on your own domain name that automatically pops one of your Lives2Leads event pages up on top of your website content.
⚠ Once again, this method does require a teeny tiny bit of custom coding, so be sure you are comfortable with pasting custom HTML code into your website before attempting this.
Step 1: Locate your Public Event Page URL
- Find the Live event you want to add to your website and click the edit icon to open the Live Editor
- At the top of the Details section, locate the Public Event Page URL and click the “Copy” button
Step 2: Add the Lives2Leads Code Snippet to your website
- You must add this script to any/every page you want the popup to work on (ideally at the bottom of the page just before the