Done-For-You Live Stream Marketing Plan & Funnel

You can’t just “go live” and expect results.

Yes, it’s nice to see the live viewer count in the top corner of your live stream window tick up, but a big number here does NOT mean sales are inevitable.

To turn your live stream viewers into paying clients you need a solid marketing plan and funnel in place.

In fact, a GREAT live stream marketing event has 5 key stages, they are:

  1. Pre-Registration
  2. Post-Registration
  3. Pre-Event
  5. Post-Event

Unfortunately, most people focus 95% of their energy on The Event (and maybe the other 5% on the Pre-Registration). But you need ALL 5 STAGES to get optimal results!

Here’s a done for you plan & funnel that walks you through all 5 stages


Now, don’t get overwhelmed by this!

While the plan is complex, implementing it is a breeze when you use Lives2Leads to set up your promo/registration pages and email sequences in seconds!

Lives2Leads will help you:

  • Set up beautifully designed promotional and registation pages for your live events without any effort
  • Automatically send out the critical emails during the Post-Registration, Pre-Event and Post-Event stages
  • Most importantly, collect REAL LEADS from every live stream event you host!

Get started with Lives2Leads today and turn your free live streaming events into PROFITS!

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