Entries by admin

Add Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics Tracking

To add Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics tracking to your Lives2Leads pages… Step 1: Go to “Settings” Step 2: Go to “Business Details” and scroll down to “Tracking & Remarketing” section Step 3: Add your “Facebook Pixel ID” and your “Google Analytics Property ID” Be sure to “Save” your changes. Your tracking codes are now […]

How to collect additional info about your leads

When leads register for your event, they provide you with their name and email. But, what if you want more info about your leads? You can do that too! With our Leads Questions feature, in just a few clicks you can also collect: Phone Number How they heard about you Where they are located Their […]

How to use Auto-Attendance

Lives2Leads now helps you track event attendance. And the coolest part, it’ll track it automatically for you! HOW IT WORKS: New Lead registers for your event Lives2Leads sends them a personalized/unique connection link Their personal link will NOT forward them to the actual live stream link until it is within 30 minutes of your set […]

Done-For-You Live Stream Marketing Plan & Funnel

You can’t just “go live” and expect results. Yes, it’s nice to see the live viewer count in the top corner of your live stream window tick up, but a big number here does NOT mean sales are inevitable. To turn your live stream viewers into paying clients you need a solid marketing plan and […]

Security Features and Paid Events

Keeping unwanted intruders out of your live streaming events is important. Lives2Leads provides you with a huge layer of extra security to ensure your events are safe! In this video you’ll get a “live” tour of: How Lives2Leads can be used for PAID events!! How to set your events for “Approval Required” What does “Approval […]

Finding And Exporting Your Leads

This article will show you exactly where to find your leads and how to work with them. There are TWO different types of Leads Lists in Lives2Leads: Global Leads List – A list of ALL leads collected across ALL Live Events Individual Live Event Leads Lists – A list of leads collected for a single […]

Communicate & Follow Up With Leads

This article will show you how Lives2Leads can help you communicate with your leads… on auto-pilot! Step 1: Create / Modify Your Email Templates Go to ‘Settings’ From the sidebar menu select ‘Email Templates’. Here you can edit an existing template or click the “+ EMAIL TEMPLATE” button to create a new template. Give your […]

Add a new Live event and registration page

In this article we’ll show you how to add/create a new Live event and it’s corresponding promo & registration page. Step 1: Go to LIVES and click the orange + LIVE button Step 2: Fill in the “DETAILS” section We go through this tab section by section… In this top section you’ll find: Public event […]

Add your Branding and Personalisation

Adding your personal touches to your Lives2Leads account only takes a few minutes to do. Here are the steps to follow: STEP 1: Go to Settings Step 2: Fill in your ‘Business Details’ In the left sidebar menu, make sure ‘Business Details’ is selected. Then fill in all of your company information. Step 3: Set […]